Scribbles of Scrap

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Word Lists Definition
did OSPD3,TWL98 past tense of do
die OSPD3,TWL98 to cut with a die (a device for shaping material)
die OSPD3,TWL98 to cease living
dif TWL98
dig OSPD3,TWL98 to break up, turn over, or remove earth
dim OSPD3,TWL98 obscure
dim OSPD3,TWL98 to make dim
din OSPD3,TWL98 to make a loud noise
dip OSPD3,TWL98 to immerse briefly into a liquid
dis OSPD3,TWL98 to insult or criticize
dit OSPD3,TWL98 a dot in Morse code
doc OSPD3,TWL98 doctor
doe OSPD3,TWL98 a female deer
dog OSPD3,TWL98 to follow after like a dog (a domesticated, carnivorous mammal)
dol OSPD3,TWL98 a unit of pain intensity
dom OSPD3,TWL98 a title given to certain monks
don OSPD3,TWL98 to put on
dor OSPD3,TWL98 a black European beetle
dos OSPD3,TWL98 the first tone of the diatonic musical scale
dot OSPD3,TWL98 to cover with dots (tiny round marks)
dow OSPD3,TWL98 to prosper
dry OSPD3,TWL98 to make dry DRYABLE adj
dry OSPD3,TWL98 a prohibitionist
dry OSPD3,TWL98 having no moisture
dub OSPD3,TWL98 to confer knighthood on
dud OSPD3,TWL98 a bomb that fails to explode
due OSPD3,TWL98 something that is owed
dug OSPD3,TWL98 to break up, turn over, or remove earth
dug OSPD3,TWL98 the teat or udder of a female mammal
duh TWL98
dui OSPD3,TWL98 pl. of duo
dun OSPD3,TWL98 to make demands upon for payment of a debt
dun OSPD3,TWL98 of a dull brown color
duo OSPD3,TWL98 or DUI an instrumental duet
dup OSPD3,TWL98 to open
dye OSPD3,TWL98 to treat with a dye (a coloring matter)
ear OSPD3,TWL98 to form the fruiting head of a cereal
eat OSPD3,TWL98 to consume food
eau OSPD3,TWL98 water
ebb OSPD3,TWL98 to recede
ecu OSPD3,TWL98 an old French coin
edh OSPD3,TWL98 an Old English letter
eds TWL98
eek TWL98
eel OSPD3,TWL98 a snakelike fish
eff OSPD3,TWL98 ef
efs OSPD3,TWL98 the letter F
eft OSPD3,TWL98 a newt
egg OSPD3,TWL98 to incite or urge
ego OSPD3,TWL98 the conscious self
eke OSPD3,TWL98 to supplement with great effort
eld OSPD3,TWL98 old age
elf OSPD3,TWL98 a small, often mischievous fairy ELFLIKE adj
elk OSPD3,TWL98 a large deer
ell OSPD3,TWL98 the letter L
elm OSPD3,TWL98 a deciduous tree
els OSPD3,TWL98 an elevated railroad or train
eme OSPD3,TWL98 an uncle
emf OSPD3 a difference in electric potential
ems OSPD3,TWL98 the letter M
emu OSPD3,TWL98 a large, flightless bird
end OSPD3,TWL98 to terminate
eng OSPD3,TWL98 a phonetic symbol
ens OSPD3,TWL98 the letter N
ens OSPD3,TWL98 an entity
eon OSPD3,TWL98 an indefinitely long period of time
era OSPD3,TWL98 an epoch
ere OSPD3,TWL98 previous to; before
erg OSPD3,TWL98 a unit of work or energy
ern OSPD3,TWL98 erne
err OSPD3,TWL98 to make a mistake
ers OSPD3,TWL98 ervil
ess OSPD3,TWL98 the letter S
eta OSPD3,TWL98 a Greek letter
eth OSPD3,TWL98 edh
eve OSPD3,TWL98 evening
ewe OSPD3,TWL98 a female sheep
eye OSPD3,TWL98 to watch closely EYEABLE adj
eye OSPD3,TWL98 or EYNE the organ of sight
fab TWL98
fad OSPD3,TWL98 a practice or interest that enjoys brief popularity
fag OSPD3,TWL98 to make weary by hard work
fan OSPD3,TWL98 to cool or refresh with a fan (a device for putting air into motion)
far OSPD3,TWL98 at or to a great distance
fas OSPD3,TWL98 the fourth tone of the diatonic musical scale
fat OSPD3,TWL98 having an abundance of flesh
fat OSPD3,TWL98 to make fat
fax OSPD3,TWL98 to transmit and reproduce by electronic means
fay OSPD3,TWL98 to join closely
fed OSPD3,TWL98 a federal agent
fee OSPD3,TWL98 to pay a fee (a fixed charge) to
feh OSPD3,TWL98 peh
fem OSPD3,TWL98 a passive homosexual
fen OSPD3,TWL98 a marsh
fer OSPD3,TWL98 for
fes TWL98
fet OSPD3,TWL98 to fetch
feu OSPD3,TWL98 to grant land to under Scottish feudal law
few OSPD3,TWL98 amounting to or consisting of a small number
fey OSPD3,TWL98 crazy FEYLY adv
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