Scribbles of Scrap

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Word Lists Definition
mol OSPD3,TWL98 mole
mom OSPD3,TWL98 mother
mon OSPD3,TWL98 man
moo OSPD3,TWL98 to make the deep, moaning sound of a cow
mop OSPD3,TWL98 to wipe with a mop (an implement for cleaning floors)
mor OSPD3,TWL98 a forest humus
mos OSPD3,TWL98 a moment
mot OSPD3,TWL98 a witty saying
mow OSPD3,TWL98 to cut down standing herbage
mud OSPD3,TWL98 to cover with mud (soft, wet earth)
mug OSPD3,TWL98 to assault with intent to rob
mum OSPD3,TWL98 to act in a disguise
mun OSPD3,TWL98 man; fellow
mus OSPD3,TWL98 a Greek letter
mut OSPD3,TWL98 mutt
myc TWL98
nab OSPD3,TWL98 to capture or arrest
nae OSPD3,TWL98 no; not
nag OSPD3,TWL98 to find fault incessantly
nah OSPD3,TWL98 no
nam OSPD3,TWL98 past tense of nim
nan OSPD3,TWL98 a round flat bread
nap OSPD3,TWL98 to sleep briefly
naw OSPD3,TWL98 no
nay OSPD3,TWL98 a negative vote
neb OSPD3,TWL98 the beak of a bird
nee OSPD3,TWL98 born with the name of
neg TWL98
net OSPD3,TWL98 to catch in a net (a type of openwork fabric)
new OSPD3,TWL98 something that is new
new OSPD3,TWL98 existing only a short time
nib OSPD3,TWL98 to provide with a penpoint
nil OSPD3,TWL98 nothing
nim OSPD3,TWL98 to steal
nip OSPD3,TWL98 to pinch
nit OSPD3,TWL98 the egg of a parasitic insect
nix OSPD3,TWL98 to veto
nix OSPD3,TWL98 or NIXE a water sprite
nob OSPD3,TWL98 a wealthy person
nod OSPD3,TWL98 to briefly lower the head forward
nog OSPD3,TWL98 to fill in a space in a wall with bricks
noh OSPD3,TWL98 the classical drama of Japan
nom OSPD3,TWL98 a name
noo OSPD3,TWL98 now
nor OSPD3,TWL98 and not
nos OSPD3,TWL98 or NOES a negative reply
not OSPD3,TWL98 in no way
now OSPD3,TWL98 the present time
nth OSPD3,TWL98 pertaining to an indefinitely large ordinal number
nub OSPD3,TWL98 a protuberance or knob
nun OSPD3,TWL98 a woman belonging to a religious order
nus OSPD3,TWL98 a Greek letter
nut OSPD3,TWL98 to gather nuts (hard-shelled dry fruits)
oaf OSPD3,TWL98 or OAVES a clumsy, stupid person OAFISH adj OAFISHLY adv
oak OSPD3,TWL98 a hardwood tree or shrub OAKEN, OAKLIKE adj
oar OSPD3,TWL98 to propel with oars (long, broad-bladed poles)
oat OSPD3,TWL98 a cereal grass
oba TWL98
obe OSPD3,TWL98 obeah
obi OSPD3,TWL98 obeah
oca OSPD3,TWL98 a South American herb
oda TWL98
odd OSPD3,TWL98 one that is odd
odd OSPD3,TWL98 unusual
ode OSPD3,TWL98 a lyric poem
ods OSPD3,TWL98 a hypothetical force of natural power
oes OSPD3,TWL98 a whirlwind off the Faeroe islands
off OSPD3,TWL98 to go away
oft OSPD3,TWL98 often
ohm OSPD3,TWL98 a unit of electrical resistance OHMIC adj
oho OSPD3,TWL98 used to express surprise or exultation
ohs OSPD3,TWL98 to exclaim in surprise, pain, or desire
oil OSPD3,TWL98 to supply with oil (a greasy liquid used for lubrication, fuel, or illumination)
oka OSPD3,TWL98 a Turkish unit of weight
oke OSPD3,TWL98 oka
old OSPD3,TWL98 living or existing for a relatively long time
old OSPD3,TWL98 an individual of a specified age
ole OSPD3,TWL98 a shout of approval
oms OSPD3,TWL98 a mantra used in contemplation of ultimate reality
one OSPD3,TWL98 a number
ono TWL98
ons OSPD3,TWL98 the side of the wicket where a batsman stands in cricket
ooh OSPD3,TWL98 to exclaim in amazement, joy, or surprise
oot OSPD3,TWL98 out
ope OSPD3,TWL98 to open
ops OSPD3,TWL98 a style of abstract art
opt OSPD3,TWL98 to choose
ora OSPD3,TWL98 pl. of os
orb OSPD3,TWL98 to form into a circle or sphere
orc OSPD3,TWL98 a marine mammal
ore OSPD3,TWL98 a mineral or rock containing a valuable metal
ors OSPD3,TWL98 the heraldic color gold
ort OSPD3,TWL98 a scrap of food
ose OSPD3,TWL98 an esker
oud OSPD3,TWL98 a stringed instrument of northern Africa
our OSPD3,TWL98 a possessive form of the pronoun we
out OSPD3,TWL98 to be revealed
ova OSPD3,TWL98 pl. of ovum
owe OSPD3,TWL98 to be under obligation to pay or repay
owl OSPD3,TWL98 a nocturnal bird
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